The contest “Best Curator-Adviser 2021” has ended. The competition…

The contest “Best Curator-Adviser 2021” has ended. The competition, which began in March, lasted until the end of April. In this competition, the honor of the faculty was defended by the senior teacher Muratbek Sultanov and the teacher Erlan Urakbayevich Konebaev. The competition consisted of 3 stages. In turn, Muratbek Gabitovich with the groups GDK-201, GDK-401 and Erlan Urakbaevich spent curatorial hours with the groups SK-102, SK-201 live on the ZOOM platform, in the contest’s FACEBOOK account. Stage 3 was also conducted by the faculty teachers at a very high level. At the end of the competition, the participants were awarded letters of thanks and cash certificates. Young specialist Erlan Urakbaevich received a personal gift from the deputy of the maslikhat Baltymova Mira Rashidovna. The chairman of the organization, Olga Sultangalieva, gave another joy to those present that a reward of 10,000 tons would be awarded on behalf of the university’s trade union organization. We express our gratitude to the organizers. The competition was held at a very high level.